Wednesday, March 9, 2011



  The Bank is closely related to the flow of money into and about the economy. Often working with the government in the effort to stabilize the economy and to prevent inflation. They specialize in the business is in providing capital, and in allot funds to the credit. The Bank started as a place to which people take their valuable to be trusted, but now the world's major banks has many functions in addition to acting as guardians of valuable personal property.

  Banks normally receive money from their customers in two formats areas: the current account, and deposit account. So now a customer can issue a personal check. No interest paid by banks on account of this type. With a deposit account, however, customers do to leave her money. Banks in turn lend money to customers who require a deposit of capital. It's got flowers for the bank, and interest is almost always at a level higher than the rates of any bank that pays interest to its depositors. In this way the bank makes its main profits.

What is Demand

What is Demand

     Theorists are simplifiers. Their job is the elimination of complexities and detail so that we can understand what really matters. They often make assumption. They do this simplify the situation. For example, the elementary theory of aggregate demand assumes that prices and international trade are the "flesh". We can add them later to the "bones" of demand theory.

     There are four "bones" in the theory. Two are in the goods market. They are consumption and investment. Together consumption and invesment are equal to total demand. Two "bones" are in the money market. (Demand manifests it self through money people need money to buy goods). There are two kinds of demand for money. They are transaction and speculation.

     Economists use these four ideas to explain familiar questions. What are some of these questions ? Here is in example : what happens if goverments reduce income taxes ? Theory doesn't answer these questions, but it lets us discuss them in a common languange.

     Let's start with good market. What determines consumption and investment ? Consumption and income are related. As income increases, so does consumption. Economists can define and measure consumption, but the meaning of "income" is less clear. people do not always spend according to their income in a particular. Income is a long term idea. It may extend over a person's lifetime. People change spending patterns id they think their income has changed in a permanent way.

     Investment is a more dificult idea. Several different factors determine it. The most important is interest rates. If interest rate rise, companies may not hold as much inventory. They may put their money into a bank. In a bank, the money will earn interest income. The companies may decide to cancel projects that need capital.

What is Economics

What is Economics

     Alfred Mrshall's definition : Economics is a study of mankind and the ordinary business of life. Because economic problems have certain common features, one may arrive at more penetrating definition. The problems of economics arise out of the use of scarce resources to satisfy unlimited human wants. Scarcity is inevitable and is central to economic problems.

     A society's resources consist of the free gifts of nature, such as land, forest, and mineral, human resources, both mental and physical, and all sorts of man-made aids to further production, such as tools, machinery and buildings. Economicsts call such resources factors of production because they are used to produce those things that people desire. The things produced are called commodities. Commodities may be divided into goods and services.

     Goods and services are the means by which people seek to satisfy some of their wants. The act of  making goods and services is called production, and the act of using them satisfy want is called consumption. For most people in most societies good are not regarded and desirable in themselves, few people want to pile them up endlessly in warehouse, never to be consumed. They are value because people want the services they provide. An automobile, for example, helps to satisfy its owner's desires for transportation, mobility, and possibly status. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Macro Media Flash

Macro Media Flash

Software to create animation which is usually used for various purposes on the Internet. For example, to create a site, banner ads, animated logos, and other complementary animation. Flash was developed from an application called Smart Sketch. Smart Sketch itself is an application for the draw which was launched in 1994 by Future Wave, not by Macro media. This application is quite successful in drawing applications market dominated by Illustrator and Freehand. In the summer of 1995, Smart Sketch obtain input from users for Smart Sketch can be used to create animations. Future Wave very interested in making an application for creating animation. However Future Wave somewhat pessimistic about the market, because at that animation is only distributed by VHS or CD-ROM. Then the World Wide Web began to spread their wings, where the graphics and animation to be vital. Future Wave see this opportunity to market applications that are capable of producing two-dimensional animation. Then Smart Sketch be modified so as to produce an animation using the Java programming as a player. His name is also slightly modified into Smart Sketch Animator. However, the name Smart Sketch Animator perceived less to sell, so the name was changed to Cellmate. But then, for fear of being labeled as a cartoon maker application, Cell Animator converted into Future Splash Animator. Although the idea is quite revolutionary, hard Future Splash popular. Therefore Future Wave approaching Adobe. However, because the demo Future Splash less than satisfactory with animation, Adobe refused to produce Future Splash. New in November 1996, Macro media approached Future Wave to cooperate. Future Wave approve the bid Macro media. Later renamed Future Splash Animator Macro media Flash 1.0.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Threats in the Internet

Threats in the Internet

Basically, the threat comes from someone who has the desire to obtain illegal access to a computer network. Therefore, it must be determined who is allowed to have legal access to the system, and the threats it can they generate. There are several objectives to be achieved by infiltrating and very useful if it can distinguish between these objectives when planning a computer network security system.

Some of the goals of the intruders are:
- Basically just want to know the system and the data available on a targeted computer network. The intruder is purposeful as it is often called by the Curius.

- Create a network system to be down, or change the look of the website. The intruder who has a goal like this is often referred to as The Malicious.

- Trying to resources within a computer network system to gain popularity. The intruder is often referred to as The Profile Intruder.

- Want to know what data is in computer networks to further exploited to make money. The intruder is often referred to as The Competition.

Users connect to the Internet via an Internet Service Provider (isp), either by using a modem, dsl, cable modem, wireless, or by using a leased line. These isp then connect to the Internet through a network provider (or upstream). On the Web Server, there was something similar. Internet server connected to the Internet via an isp or other provider's network. The figure also shows some potential security holes (security holes).

On the user side, the user's computer can be infiltrated by viruses and Trojan horses so that data residing on the user's computer (such as PIN numbers, credit card numbers, and other secret key) can be intercepted, modified, deleted, and falsified. Paths between users and Isp can also be tapping. For example, a user who uses a computer in the general environment (public facilities) such as the Public Internet (cafe) can be intercepted information by fellow users of the Internet cafe (or a cafe owner who is not responsible for) when he typed confidential data over the web.

On the ISP side, information can also be intercepted and forged. For example, if the security system of the ISP was vulnerable, and he conceded, then it might be a cracker to install software bugs (sniffer) that tap or retrieve information about the ISP customer.

On the provider side, in the case of Web servers that provide services Internet.Also potential security holes. Various cases of security and financial institutions have been reported. For example, there are cases in the United States where a cracker made it into a financial institution and retrieve customer data from various banks which are in the shade of these financial institutions. In Indonesia alone there are "cases" domain "a play on" that could make a scene.

Monday, February 28, 2011

System of Connections Between Nodes

System of Connections Between Nodes (Computers)

Peer to peer

Peer meaning co-worker. Peer-to-peer network is a computer network consisting of several computers, connected directly with crossover cable or wireless or even with the intermediary hub / switch.
Computers on peer to peer networks are usually numbered slightly with 1-2 printer. For specific use, such as computer labs, research and a few other things, the model is peer to peer connection could be developed for more than 10 to 100 computers.

Peer to peer is a model in which each PC can use the resource on another PC or give them resources to use another PC, No act as servers that manage the communication system and the use of computer resources contained in the network, in other words, each computer can functioning as a client and server in the same period.

For example there are several computers in one department, was named group in accordance with the relevant departments. Each computer assigned an IP address from the same IP class for sharing with each other to exchange data or resources owned by each computer, such as printers, CD room, files and others.

Client - Server

Client Server is a network model that uses one or more computers as servers that provide its resources to other computers (clients) in the network, the server will manage resource access mechanisms may be used, as well as the communication mechanism between nodes in the network.

In addition to the local network, this system can also be applied to Internet technologies. Where there is a unit of a computer) to function as a server that only provides services to other computers, and clients who also just ask for service from the server. Access is done transparently from the client by first logging into the server in question.

Client can only use the resources provided by the server in accordance with authority granted by the administrator. Applications that run on the client side, it could be a resource that is available on the server. but can only be run after connecting to the server. In the implementation of software applications that are installed client side is different from that used on the server.


Understanding Computer Networks

Computer networks are the "interconnection" between two or more autonomous computers, which connect with the media transmission without cables or wires (wireless).

Autonomous is when a computer does not control the other computers with full access, so it can make another computer, restart, shutdows, loss or damage system files.

In another autonomous networking definition described as an independent network with its own management system (have the admin itself), has a network topology, hardware and software itself, and connected with another autonomous network. (Internet is an example of a collection of autonomous networks is very large.)

Two computer unit is said to be connected if they can exchange data / information, sharing resources owned, such as files, printers, storage media (hard drives, floppy disks, cd-rom, flash disks, etc.). The data in the form of text, audio and video, moving through a cable or wireless media (wireless) to enable computer users in computer networks can exchange files / data, print on the same printer and use the hardware / software that connect the network together

Each computer, printer or peripherals that are connected in a network called a "node". A computer network comprising at least two computer units or more, can be of some tens of computers, thousands or even millions of nodes that are connected to each other.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Cheap Internet Provider Tips

So you plan to install a cheap internet cable in your place, do you know how to acquire a reliable provider? Do you know exactly how to choose one that would provide you fast net connection without paying too much? Read this article and find out more about it.

Since there are tons of cable internet providers around the net today, choosing for the right one can be quite complicated. So I gathered some of the tips to help you get the best one.

Here are the cheap internet provider tips that just might help you choose for the right one.

Tip #1: Primarily, here is an amazing but very straightforward breakdown of ordinary ISPs. SBC/Yahoo, AOL, and Comcast are the most horrible ISPs in the account of the net. Don't even believe them as an alternative. Cox is pretty dreadful also in addition to MSN. Earthlink is average but merely prefer them if it's the lone alternative. Verizon is pretty superior although has all kinds of different concerns to work out.

Tip #2: Velocity and cost are the 2 huge assessment things you must consider. So let's chat concerning precise velocity. Normally DSL packages are moreover 1.5 megabits per second or also known as mbps or half that at 768kbps. At the outset, it's never outlay effectual to obtain the 768 package. It's typically only a small number of dollars less but that velocity is too sluggish for the largest part of internet use even on a distinct PC. If you're studying towards DSL, TDS is the only straight DSL ISP I make out of.

Tip #3: The entire the ISPs planned beforehand ought to have a position on their official site where you can set in your own add and it will inform you if they present examination where you reside. Nevertheless as a substitute of going to each distinct ISP's official website and inspecting, it's better to constricted it down first. You have to make your mind up on what type of link you want. As a general rule, DSL sometimes do not work well and you there are also times you never get even near to the velocity they speak about their services. But the majority of DSL speeds are straight enough to make sure your e-mail and surfing the web are both working well.

Take these tips and you will surely get the best provider around the net today.


Where to get Computer Equipment Repairs

Getting a computer repaired may be a strenuous task at the best of times. With all your files, picture and music normally stored on the machine the thought of  losing all your personal files is sometimes daunting. It may be tricky but the key here is to select the right company to restore your files. They must be able to restore everything and get it running again without erasing all the files stored.

The very important question now is where  to get a repair.

The answer is easy when the computer is branded and it has a nearby service center. Services center make the best option when providing repairs. Their repairman is usually trained to troubleshoot their products. For example, apple has service centers to assist and provide repairs for users of their products. They have great experience in handling repair for Apple Computers as they have undergone training specifically for their line of products. They best part about this is that when the product is still under warranty, the repair fee can be waived. They can repair the computer without any charges.

However, if not under warranty, the problem comes in as the repair fees for the service centers can be a bit expensive. Most of the time, you could expect to pay a " looking at " fee, just to tell you that you have a problem. an even bigger problem lies when there is no service center nearby. The only solution left is to find a computer service provider that can repair the computer that will help restore it to its working condition.

There are a lot of listings and postings out there offering computer equipment repairs. The problem is that there's actually no way to know if the service company can deliver good results - not until he/she is hired and the project is completed. You want to be picky when it comes to finding the right person you trust to get you online again.

Luckily, there is a way to lessen the risk. There is a website that provides a comprehensive database of tradesmen/service companies that can perform a variety of tasks---even computer equipment repairs.

Basically, it's about creating a listing, which in turn gets sent out to all the relevant matching companies on the database. Companies that feel they can help get back to you with a quote - and you can see what other people, who have used them, think of them. Now it does not completely eliminate the risk, but at least you get an idea of what past customers have to say about the company you are about to trust with your pride and joy.