Understanding Computer Networks
Computer networks are the "interconnection" between two or more autonomous computers, which connect with the media transmission without cables or wires (wireless).
Autonomous is when a computer does not control the other computers with full access, so it can make another computer, restart, shutdows, loss or damage system files.
In another autonomous networking definition described as an independent network with its own management system (have the admin itself), has a network topology, hardware and software itself, and connected with another autonomous network. (Internet is an example of a collection of autonomous networks is very large.)
Two computer unit is said to be connected if they can exchange data / information, sharing resources owned, such as files, printers, storage media (hard drives, floppy disks, cd-rom, flash disks, etc.). The data in the form of text, audio and video, moving through a cable or wireless media (wireless) to enable computer users in computer networks can exchange files / data, print on the same printer and use the hardware / software that connect the network together
Each computer, printer or peripherals that are connected in a network called a "node". A computer network comprising at least two computer units or more, can be of some tens of computers, thousands or even millions of nodes that are connected to each other.
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